Dynamic Speaker and Author on Vibrant Health
Wellness author, professional speaker, and media personality Mary-Ann Shearer is an author whose inspiring journey has made her a role model for resilience, authenticity and vitality.
This “healthy-lifestyle realist,” has spent the past 35+ years researching ways to become healthy, energized, and better equipped to thrive in today’s hectic society. She teaches principles that help people enjoy the comforts of living with a healthy mind and body.
Mary-Ann brings warmth, wisdom and a sense of humanity to her talks on how to live a life of balance, be healthy, have a focused mind, clear head, loads of energy and sleep well. She knows what it means to age gracefully and how we all have unimaginable potential not in spite of age, but because of it. As an online influencer and thought leader, she mixes her own life experiences and expertise to deliver her platform messages with humour, humanity, and hope.
Mary-Ann wrote the book The Natural Way – A Family’s Guide to Vibrant Health (22nd reprints), to help meet the growing demand for her time and knowledge. Since then, Mary-Ann has helped thousands of people to understand and correct their diet-related health problems. This book (now Perfect Health – The Natural Way) has been completely updated to include the answers to the many questions she gets asked and as the hand book to her life changing 100 days to health daily email based program.
Reigning from South Africa, Mary-Ann has circled the globe motivating thousands of audiences. Her wellness talks include: Finding the Balance, Taking Control, Sex, Drugs and Cinnamon Rolls, Get on Track, Losing Your Mind?, The Naked Truth about Health, Sneezing and Aching, Living the Abundant Life, Ageing Gracefully, Healthy Kids…
Her focus is on bringing understanding to her audiences on how to supply the basic needs of the body and fortify the body’s defences – improving health, increasing vitality, energy & delivering greater longevity and preventing degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, age related muscle loss & fat gain, memory loss, dementia & Alzheimer’s disease
Mary-Ann works with individuals and organizations who want to maximize their health and productivity, save thousands of health care bucks, have better attitudes, and accomplish more on a daily basis.
Mary-Ann’s aim is to show that it is fun and easy to be healthy, and it is this philosophy that inspires her many projects. She and her husband Mark have developed a unique range of whole food products available on line, a distance Learning Natural Health Academy, a school from pre to 12th grade based on sustainable teaching methods and lifestyle principles, and a wholefood restaurant. They run their businesses from Gordon’s Bay in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Mary-Ann is the only Education Alliance Partner in Africa registered with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC.