Business Speaker and Best-Selling Author
When you insist on the best.
When you insist on ‘owning’ your industry, there is no alternative: International speaker and business author Douglas Kruger helps you to build your brand, to out-pace your competitors through innovation, and to position yourself as an industry leader.
Douglas is the author of 6 business books, including the highly acclaimed ‘Own Your Industry – How to Position Yourself as an Expert,’ with Penguin Random House. A multiple award-winning speaker, his clients include senior management at companies like MultiChoice, BMW, Liberty and HP. In 2015, Liberty and MultiChoice booked him for their multi-city roadshows. Douglas’s results were so exceptional that in 2016, both organisations insisted on using him again.
What does he do differently?
Douglas dismantles the self-imposed rules that can hamstring aspiring companies and shows you how to develop talent. He guides you away from the cultural norms that can kill innovation, and he is a committed crusader against victimhood-mentality.
Douglas’s thought-leadership ideas have been featured repeatedly on CNBC Africa and he has been published in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines. His newest book, ‘They’re Your Rules – Break Them!’ looks at how behemoth organisations can become more agile.
When you need industry-leading ideas, backed by research and packaged with humour and charm, call on leading professional speaker Douglas Kruger. His aim is to bring life to your event and prosperity to your brand.
Fast Facts
They’re Your Rules, Break Them! How to lead through disruptive innovation
Own Your Industry – How to Position Yourself as an Expert
5 x Winner of the Southern African Championships for Public Speaking (a continental record)
Inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame in honour of excellence
Featured in:
CNBC Africa
Destiny Man
Classic FM
Maggs on Media
Classic FM
Penguin Publications
Own Your Industry
Relentlessly Relevant
How to Make Your Point Without Powerpoint
Is Your Thinking Keeping You Poor?
They’re Your Rules, Break Them!
The Global Speakers Federation and Professional Speakers Association
Toastmasters International